Give Us A Greater Hunger

Give us a greater hunger, Lord,
Thank we have ever known.
Help us to wait in one accord
Until Your power is shown.
Keep us, Your children, on our knees
Beseeching You with mighty pleas
Till floods of blessing like the seas
Sweep over all Your own.

Give us a sense of urgency
That will not be denied.
Give such desire your work to see
Till ease we cast aside.
Give us soul-hunger and soul-thirst
Till hearts with longing almost burst,
Till we could wish ourselves accursed (Rom.9:3)
If souls but reach Your side!

Lord, now begin Your mighty work;
Make bare Your holy arm.
O God, forbid that we should shirk
Or to this age conform!
Reveal Your Spirit's mighty power;
Oh, come upon Your Church this hour!
By Your own working, Lord, empower
Till Satan's forts we storm.

Help each of us to do our part;
O Lord, may we not fail.
Give clearest guidance to each heart
Till highest mounts we scale.
Use us however You may choose;
We would no burden, Lord, refuse;
But get us, Lord, where You can use
And mightily prevail.

Oh, send the promised Holy Ghost
Upon us as we kneel,
We need his holy working most
Till men conviction feel.
Lord, this is still the day of grace;
Have mercy on our dying race.
Revival send to every place;
Your miracle reveal.

-Wesley Duewel
(taken from Wesley Duewel's book Heroes of the Holy Life)


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