
Our hamster died over the weekend. He was a good little "Hammy" as we called him. My seven year old daughter got clean bedding and a box and buried him in the back yard with a cross with his name and date on it. I did my first funeral. We said a prayer and then got some flowers and laid them over the grave. It was sad to watch them say goodbye to their little friend that woke them up every morning.

Tonight my son said to me. "Mom, I have regrets. I wish I would have held him more. I wish I would have talked to him more." We talked about the fact that life sometimes gets our eyes off from what's important to us. We need to make sure that every thing we do has been evaluated as to it's importance to us. Andrew is learning a big lesson at a young age. If we died tomorrow would we have regrets? Would we change today? I know I would. So, evaluation is in order. It's where God has been working on me lately.


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