more faith....

I am finally home again after another great FLAME class. The classes fill your brain with knowledge that makes your head want to burst, but the networking that takes place, the time alone with God, and of course the food make it all an incredible experience.

I mentioned the time alone with God. It's so nice to get away from all the busyness of life and be able to listen. I was walking on the sidewalks early one morning and I kept coming to a dead end. The sidewalks would be going along and then they would just end. There were quite a few like that. It was kinda weird, until God used that picture to speak to my heart: The avenues I have been taking, although good, are leading me to a dead end, unless I am obedient to go off the end into uncharted territory. To walk by faith and not by sight. When God first called me to ministry, this is what He asked of me. I have made every excuse in the book as to why it can't be now, and yet, that's just what it excuse.

In some ways, I am excited, and in others, I am scared to death. I will walk in obedience, but this is something that is much bigger than me and is going to take a LOT of faith, persistence, guidance and patience. I know that when God calls, he empowers, so I trust in that. I write here, almost as an accountability to keep pressin' on. God is good and I trust in His faithfulness. Someone said to me this weekend that faith is coming to the edge of the cliff and stepping off knowing that God will either carry you or give you wings. To that I say....yep!


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