Toothless Wonder!

I haven't been posting this week, as I have been sick, but I have a funny story from my daughter that I thought I'd share with you today. She had a loose tooth (just starting to be loose, I might add) and we were walking into school and she asked if we could pop into the office and talk to the secretary. So, we stopped in and she said "Mrs. Shaw, do you still have those tooth necklaces to put your teeth in when you loose them?" and Mrs. Shaw replied "Yes, Olivia, did you loose a tooth this morning?" and Olivia said "No, not yet, but I'm gonna pull it out today and wanted to make sure you had a necklace." We all kinda laughed, as I knew it wasn't that loose. About an hour later, Olivia had twisted that sucker right out of her mouth. She is tough and was very pleased to come home with her new necklace with a tooth in it! (let me add....her older brother waits until the tooth is hanging by a thread and ends up swallowing the tooth, because he refuses to pull it out....each kid is so different from the other)


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