
Showing posts from November, 2012

Rejoicing with the angels!

Last night I had the awesome privilege of leading a young man to Christ.  Sometimes you wonder if the teens ever really hear what you are saying.  They sometimes act like they don't care and nothing matters, yet somehow it sinks in and God works!  I am praying for my young friend, as his Mother was not as thrilled for him as he was to tell her about it.  I forget sometimes how hard it is for teens these days to stand up for truth.  I rejoice in God's word that He says "My salvation will last forever.  My righteousness will never fail." (Isaiah 51:6b)  No one can take that salvation away.  I am  praying for continued faith for this young man and for his Mother to be drawn to Jesus as well.    This is why I do what I do......salvation is near.......


It has been an incredible journey these past couple years. I have been at my lowest and have come to know Christ in a deeper way. I am incredibly blessed to have gone through the "junk" to be where I am today.....deeper in love with my Savior and learning to keep my eyes focused on Him. This world can hand us some pretty icky stuff and the ONLY way to get through it is to realize who God is. God has been my strength, given me a song to sing when I didn't feel like it, provided for me in ways I couldn't even fathom, healed my heart, protected me in the storm, given me victory that I couldn't have attained on my own, and been the Cornerstone of my life. He has been faithful and true. He has sustained me and given me a new sense of purpose. I could go on and on. My Redeemer Lives! Today I just want to say....Jesus, I love you! Thank you for believing in me when I felt so alone. Thank you for your forgiveness. Thank you for reviving me. Thank you for...