Worship hangover

On Sunday I went to church and it was "good" but it wasn't any great epiphany or anything, but I have had one of the songs on my heart since Sunday morning. It is pressed deep upon my heart today.......

As I come into your presence past the gates of praise
Into your sanctuary til we're standing face to face.
I look upon your countenance and see the fullness of your grace.
I can only bow down and say....

You are awesome in this place Mighty God.
You are awesome in this place Abba Father.
You are worthy of all praise.
To YOU our lives we raise.
You are awesome in this place Mighty God.

"This place" is not referring to our church services. "This place" refers to my own soul. As I stand face to face with my Savior it truly is awesome.

Easter has kinda sneaked up on me this year. All of a sudden it is here and I don't feel like I have prepared my heart properly. So, this morning, as I sit at the foot of the cross, I say.....

You are awesome in this place!! You are worthy of my praise! I give you my life, Lord! As I look into Your face, I see the fullness of your grace. You are awesome in this place, Mighty God!


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