
I promised I would share what changes have been taking place for the Ziegler family. It has been one of the most interesting and yet challenging months of my life. Here's what's been happening in our world.

1. I took a position at Woodside Wesleyan as the Assistant Pastor. I am very excited about the future and dreams for the church. The people have been very loving and have embraced us with open arms. Woodside is in Lake Ann, Michigan, which is a suburb of Traverse City. It has a population around 300. I am excited to be a part of this new community. The nice thing is....we didn't have to move to take this is actually closer to our house than our old church. This church will mean "doing church" differently, as it is in the country and a small church around 60 people. We have some incredible dreams and I look forward to partnering with them to make them happen. Funny thing fits with where God has called me to be from the very beginning of my ministerial call. God is good.

2. So, given number 1, that means our family had to make a very hard decision in leaving our old church. It was a difficult decision, but we know that leaving is what we were supposed to do, so we trust that and move forward. We will miss the people of College Terrace and trust that God will continue the work he has begun there.

3. Since my work at Woodside is part time, I also have been working for H.O.M.E., shelter and transition houses. We service about 30 people at a time. This past week I went full time and it has been a tumultuous week. I am learning that there aren't enough hours in the day! This job is stretching me. Details has been one of the hardest weeks of my life. Can I just say.......I hate politics! I enjoy the people. I just wish I had more time to invest in the people. Isn't that the way it always is, though?

4. This month I also attended another FLAME class. The end is in sight!!! Again, it was a great time of learning. My family got to come with me and not just my husband and kids, but my Mom as well. It was great to share firsthand with her what she has heard me talk about for so long. She was able to meet some really neat people and stayed up late talking too! It was really great! The kids enjoyed the daily activities. Andrew was excited that they t.p.'d his bed one day while he was gone. The go-karts were by far the hit of the week! I drove Andrew one night and he decided that a 14 yr. old girl drove faster than me. he he he : ) It was fun! (Thanks Wayne for sharing those with us!) Most of all, the spiritual renewal that can take place while you are there is incredible. The time away from the busyness of life and slowing down to really focus is always good for me. Now I just need to get hopping on that post-work and get that turned in!

That's the family update! It's an extremely busy time of life for us, but we know that God is faithful to carry us through. I cling to that. I don't know how people make it without the Lord.


Dale Argot said…
Joy, good to hear from you again. Yes, transistions are always interesting. Welcome to the ranks of the small, rural church. Remember, as Mark W. has reminded me, "Jesus was a small town pastor," or just remember the SPAM principle, Small Places Are Magnificent. FLAME sounded wonderful. I haven't had a chance to talk to Wayne yet, but as you can see we were busy visiting SWU.

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