Transitions and Goodbyes

It has been an extremely difficult month, hence the reason for the lack of posting here. I have been working two jobs and spent very little time on the computer. It has been a month of hard work and lots of thinking, discussions, praying and seeking God's heart.

We have finally made some decisions and it will mean change for our family. As much as we know this is the direction we are to take and have such a peace about these decisions, the transitions and goodbyes are difficult. I will be posting more about what it will look like in future posts.

For now, I am working for Homeless Outreach Ministry Exchange, which houses the homeless and transition house clients. It is very demanding, but rewarding. My job includes doing the books, working one on one with the women and a little work at the 4 men's houses that we have. We are a faith-based ministry, so I am allowed to talk freely about my faith and share it with them. I am very thankful for these opportunities to present hope in these seemingly hopeless situations.

So, transition and goodbyes are taking place and we covet your prayers as we, as a family, take on new ministry challenges.


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