Eternally Yours

Wow, how quickly a week goes by! I just spent some time reading email updates from two of our missionary friends, the Yosts in Sonora, Mexico and Blake Wood in Cairo, Egypt. I was touched by the impact they are having on their communities. Every day is a new adventure and is focused on "doing something that has kingdom value". Wow!

It's the Christmas season and I am looking forward to a few days of spending time relaxing with our immediate family, but also with extended family. Even though I have been prepared for Christmas for a while and everything is wrapped and under the tree, I feel the "stress" of Christmas. I do not feel like I have focused and reflected with thanksgiving on the reason for this season sufficiently......nor focused on doing things with kingdom value.

Points to ponder:
  • What if every day was spent looking for opportunities to do things of eternal worth? How would your priorities change?
  • Would that mean drastic changes for you?
  • How many things in our life that we call "important" would seem not so important anymore?
  • What value do you place on the lost world around you?
  • What are you going to do TODAY that has eternal value?

Lord, open my eyes to see the world through your eyes.....and use me to be Your hands and feet. I am eternally yours!


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